Welcome Parents, Candidates & Sponsors!
This space is created to allow access to all necessary forms, flyers, etc. at your convenience.
We encourage you to visit often for any updates. We look forward to journeying with you as you prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation! God Bless!
Sponsors: Welcome, & thank you for committing to this important role!
Confirmation Schedule 2024-25
All Candidates will meet for an initial check-in in the months of September and/or October. A link for a sign up will be sent via text after registrations are received. Confirmation Preparation runs September through May and Candidates are expected to attend all sessions. Sponsors are to attend selected sessions. If the sponsor is unable to attend, a parent may attend in their place.
October 12 All candidates will attend the Green Bay Diocese Youth Conference. This event is held at The Shrine in Champion, Wi, and transportation will be provided. This is an ALL DAY event and is our “kick-off” for Confirmation Preparation. Candidates only to attend.
November 10 Rite of Enrollment Session- This session will meet 9 am-noon at SKD-St Mary, Parish Center 112 W 8th St.
Candidates & Sponsors to attend this session. 10:30 am Mass at St. Mary’s Church will be part of this session, as well as an Enrollment Service after Mass.
Parents and families are invited and encouraged to attend Mass and Enrollment.
December 15- Candidates meet 9-noon- KCP Parish Center (Mass)
January 15- Mission Night (Required)
January 19- Overnight retreat @ Camp Tek (Option #1) candidates only
February- Service project (Candidates & Sponsors)
March 1- Retreat Day 9am-9pm- Mt. Tabor Retreat Center in Menasha (Option #2) candidates only
April 13-16- Triduum Experience- sign-up will be sent for Candidates & Sponsors
May 18- Last Session- 9am-noon candidates only
The date for the Sacrament of Confirmation- TBA
(This date & time is determined by the Diocese of Green Bay and will be shared as soon as it is received)
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920-766-5997 ext:105